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What is the current price per pound of copper?

These prices are current as of today’s date and are subject to change, at any time due to outstanding market conditions. Copper & Brass #1 Bare Bright Wire $2.40/lb #1 Copper Tubing / Flashing $2.10/lb #2 Copper Tubing / Bus Bar $1.90/lb #3 Roofing Copper $1.80/lb Brass $1.25/lb Brass (Plumbing, Pipe) $1.37/lb Bronze $1.55/lb Brass Shells $1.22/lb

How much does copper cost per pound?

Copper Prices - 45 Year Historical Chart. Interactive chart of historical daily COMEX copper prices back to 1971. The price shown is in U.S. Dollars per pound. The current price of copper as of April 26, 2022 is $4.45 per pound. Show Recessions Log Scale. Download Historical Data. Export Image.

How much does Copper sell for?

On average, you can expect copper prices to range anywhere from $1.00 to $3.00 per pound, depending on the type and quality you have. Copper can be pretty heavy, which is why it can be such a good material to make some profit on. You can find copper in a lot of places, including your own home.

How much is scrap copper per pound right now?

Copper Scrap: $3.70/lb Updated 04/24/2022: Copper Transformers: $0.34/lb Updated ...

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